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Application and Use

Stem cell therapy has made many groundbreaking advancements, and because of these advancements, researchers are able to find out more about and treat many diseases that affect millions of people all around the world! Researchers are still looking for a way to cure and treat many diseases, but they have come a long way, and stem cell research offers insight as to how many diseases work and effect people. Below are links to more more information about just a few of the conditions that stem cell therapy can help treat, as well as a few that scientists are attempting to use stem cells to treat. 

Image Source: EI-1

Image Source: EI-2

Image Source: EI-3

Image Source: EI-4

Image Source: EI-5

Image Source: EI-6

Image Source: EI-7

Image Source: EI-8

Informational Sources: E-1, E-2, E-3

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